Ustanise, Himna快速下载游戏攻略
Država je u rasulu, para fali, a ti si jedan od rijetkih (i dalje glupih) ljudi koji iz svog džepa snadbjevaju održavanje države i kupovinu privatnog mlaznjaka za velikog predsjednika. Kako bi ti olakšali trošenje novca i ulaganje u predsjednikov trezor, uveden je zakon kako se mora ustajati uz narodnu himnu, inače puče kazna.
Sa 1500 evra u džepu i elanom u koljenima, slažeš se sa zakonom i presrećan ideš u trošenje.
MADA PAZI! Vlada ne trpi šaljivdžije. Ukoliko ustaneš uz bilo koju drugu pjeu, a da nije himna, dobijaš ukor sa upozerenjem na loše vladanje. 3 ukora i predsjednik će, nažalost, morati da te ubije, kao primjer ostatku populacije.
Ujedno, ukoliko ostaneš bez para, postaješ teret državi, te rt svakako sledi.
Od čega ćeš prvo umrjeti i koliko ćeš kazna popiti?
The state is in a state of disarray, it's a mistake, and you are one of the few (and still stupid) people who are holding out of their pockets the maintenance of the state and the purchase of a private jet for the great president. To make it easier for you to spend money and investing in the President's Treasury, a law has been introduced that must rise with the national anthem, otherwise a punishment is imposed.
With 1500 euros in your pocket and knee-deep, you agree with the law and are happy to go for spending.
MADA PAZI! The government does not tolerate the humorous. If you get up with any other song without being an anthem, you get a riot with a warning about bad governance. 3 reprimands and the president, unfortunately, will have to kill you, as an example to the rest of the population.
Also, if you are left without money, you become a burden to the state, and death certainly follows.
What will you die first and how much will you drink?