First Time Girls Beauty Salon快速下载游戏攻略
Hi, all girls like to look good always and for this to happen they choose to go to beauty salons. We recently opened a spa salon and we want for our business to thrive. Through this game for girls you'll be able to take care of our business, you will be able to make friends and learn even more tricks salon. Here you will learn how to apply eyeshadow, mascara and even learn what colors you have to wear this year. Fashion is always important and this is why we know that you'll feel very good here with us. You have the opportunity to prove to everyone that you are a responsible child who can manage a business but do not forget to pay close attention to detail.
Follow all instructions of this girls game with beauty salons.
- At first you will know the three friends of ours;
- They are in school;
- They receive some gift vouchers that can be used at a beauty salon;
- Salon does not look great, you have to do cleaning;
- Collect garbage;
- Then you have to clean the dust;
- Arrange chairs and instruments;
- The first client came;
- Wash her hair with shampoo for dry hair;
- Apply treatment with oils;
- Rinse with warm water;
- Dry the hair;
- Cut the tops damaged;
- Hairstyle hair with a curling iron and some clips;
- Apply hairspray;
- You have to do manicures;
- Wash hands with warm water and soap;
- Clean the old nail polish;
- Cut nails;
- Apply colored nail polish;
- Choose the most interesting models;
- The pool where the party will take place does not look good;
- You will have to clean water;
- Collect garbage;
- Arrange chairs;
- The girls were playing in the water;
- Now you have to help to clean the water with a towel;
- After they played in water one of the girls has wet hair;
- You have to dry it use a hair straightener plate;
- Now you have to make a pizza;
- In the morning one of my friend needs help to prepare to go to school;
- Help her to brush teeth and face;
- Choose the most suitable clothes;
- You did a great job.
Thanks for your help, please come back every day through this makeup game.
Have fun!
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