Happy Beer Pint快速下载游戏攻略
Happy Beer Pint is an arcade puzzle game full of fun and entertainment. Youngsters are showing keen interest in this game while elders are also playing it for relaxation and entertainment.
Free download and very easy to play.
Game has hundreds of levels with quality amazing graphics.
In this game you will find many unhappy pints because they are empty. Your task is to make them smile. For that, all you need to do is to stretch/draw a line to allow the flow of beer that will fill the glasses. Once the glasses are filled they will become too happy and you will get a relaxing vibe.
To complete each level, try your
• Imagination
• Ability
• Creativity which is more suitable and fits as per requirement of each level.
Please comment or contact us by clicking contact developer option to improve this game.
还有这厮~ 距离情侣不到一米处,孤独寂寞冷男屌丝一个人...
活动时间:2018-12-24 10:20:48 至 2018-12-27 23:59:59
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