Blinky Bird快速下载游戏攻略
Help Blinky the bird impress all his social media followers by scoring the most points. Blinky can be controlled by tapping, yawning or blinking. Get ready to experience a glamorous adventure!
• 4 Game modes: Tap, Shout, Yawn or Blink your way to victory!
• Fine-tune the shout, yawn and blink detection to your liking
• Play as either Blinky or 8 of his unlockable friends
• Get dressed for success, Blinky has 23 hats to unlock
The game is inspired by the original flappy game which became a hit in 2014, but with the additional feature of a player being able to control the game via facial expressions. This is achieved by utilizing image recognition. The game is powered by OpenCV and Dlib to detect the facial landmarks of the player. The blink and yawn detector is based on the metric eye-aspect-ratio, introduced by Soukupová and Čech in their 2016 paper, Real-Time Eye Blink Detection Using Facial Landmarks. Settings for detecting blinking and yawning can be fine-tuned in the settings menu.
Icons from the following Flaticon designers:
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益智休闲类游戏《Flappy Bird》几乎所有人都玩过吧。它贱贱的游戏设置,让多少人想抓狂。近日,游戏开发者阮哈东确认游戏将不会升级到64-bit系统,这也就意味着使用iOS 11系统的苹果用户将不再能玩这款游戏,这只疯鸟就要和大家说再见了?
在后来的三年里,很多玩家都不断升级自己的系统来玩这款游戏,但是由于iOS 11不再支持32-bit游戏,所以苹果用户升级系统后就再也玩不...
《Flappy Bird》被玩疯了,就连智能手表也来凑这个热闹。可在Pebble智能手表《Tiny Bird》其凶残程度可谓是有过之而无不及,一起去看看吧!...
近日,小编身边有很多朋友在玩儿一款名叫《Flappy Bird》的小游戏,并且该游戏在各平台游戏商店的排行榜名列前茅。究竟这款游戏有何奇葩之处,能够吸引如此高的下载量呢?