Dice Keeper快速下载游戏攻略
Rocks fall everyone dice.
The ultimate way to keep all your dice in one place and ready on hand. For whatever you need it for, role playing games, general use, or just for fun these dice have you covered.
Common default dice: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, and d100
Custom preset dice: 2d2 + 0 - 9999D999,999 + 999,999
Roll multiple dice: Click on the dice cup and roll as many different dice as you want together
History: A simple and clean layout for keeping your rolls stored
Roll Sounds
Text to speech option to read rolls out loud
近日,一款名为《Slice Dice & Rice》的有着炫酷格斗场景的横版动作类游戏登陆了Steam,游戏凭借很强的操作性以及畅快的打击感吸引了不少玩家,玩家可以在游戏中选择多种武器和职业,最赞的是该游戏为一击必杀,绝对够震撼!
《Slice Dice & Rice》宣传片:
关于《Slice Dice & Rice》:
开发商:Dojo Games ...
近日,发行商Arc System Works宣布,水墨风横版格斗类游戏《Slice, Dice & Rice》将于今年夏季登陆Switch平台,上架e-Shop商店。
《Slice, Dice & Rice》在2017年4月首先登陆Steam平台,同年12月登陆PS4平台。作为一款格斗游戏,本作将没有血条这样大多数同类游戏中的基本设定,游戏旨在于在对手的防御中找出破绽,使用干...