Bubble Lost for SMART people快速下载游戏攻略
"Bubble Lost" is Thinking Game and the GOAL is simple:
The white bubble need to reach his center point by your help.
How To Play?
In order to achive the goal, you need to progress the bubble by moving up and down, right and left (but NOT diagonally).
The movement can be done as follows: All the Circles can move according to two terms:
1. A Circle can only move toward another Circle in its same row or column.
2. A Circle must move all the way to another Circle until its path is blocked even if passing over the center point.
In "Bubble Lost" there is a THREE worlds and each world there is 20 levels.
Moreover, you can change the white bubble to another skins that available on the store.
So come on and help the white bubble reach his central point!
史克威尔艾尼克斯今天公开了旗下最新复古风RPG《Lost Sphear》的最新截图和艺术图,该作来自《我是刹那》开发商Tokyo PRG Factory,将于2017年秋登陆PS4/Switch平台。
这款原创复古风RPG《LOST SPHEAR》的故事如下:这个世界是因由“记忆”而被创造出来的。在人类不断繁衍生息化成遥远的星星记忆,世界逐渐成形,其中,既有极其遥远的记忆,亦有瞬间的记忆。而...
近日,日本游戏厂商Cygames宣布,预定于2017年推出的新款实时战斗手游《Lost Order》,从日本时间8月9日16:00起正式开启封测(预计结束时间为日本时间8月16日15:00)。
据官方表示,本作将邀请松野泰己、吉田明彦等知名游戏开发者共同参与制作,并由游戏开发商PlatinumGames(白金工作室)、著名音乐制作公司Noisy Croak等联手打造。
《Lost Orde...
The lost paradise攻略,小编为大家分享失落园错失的天堂通关攻略,希望这篇攻略可以帮助到大家。