Pocket Puppy GO AR快速下载游戏攻略
Mobile pocket encyclopedia for children about dogs. In this game you have to find and catch puppies which have escaped. They have a disguise and they good hide, they can be detected only with the help of the special application Pocket Puppy GO AR.
Explore the local city or village to search for puppy. You can find dogs on the street, in the courtyard, in the park, in the buildings and even in your apartment.
To catch a puppy, you need to throw a red ball into it. Collect a complete collection of cute puppies.
The technology of augmented reality involves the use of a gyroscope and a artphone camera in the game for search and catching virtual pets.
韩国Dragonfly趁着AR热潮,宣布将在手机平台上推出一款全新AR射击新作《特种部队AR(Special Force AR》登场,推出时间目前未定!
本作为一款以官方旗下人气线上FPS《SF》为基础来进行开发制作,并将会搭载AR(Augmented Reality)扩增实境技术,让游戏与现实相互融合的一款手机射击新作。游戏中玩家们将可以利用手机在现实世界里找出敌人并将之打倒,或...
AR设备市场暴涨 受口袋妖怪GO影响正式进入工业领域,随着Pokemon Go的火爆以及市场上越来越多的AR设备进入工业领域,不少现有的工作模式将被改变甚至颠覆。大众对于AR(增强现实)技术的认知不仅仅停留在研究阶段,之前为投资者所看好的广阔市场机会也逐渐显现。不少机构预测,在不久的将来,AR产业规模将达到上千亿美元,市场调研公司Digi-Capital研究预测,到2020年,AR市场规模将是VR...
如果说任天堂与 DeNA 合作的首款手游《Miitomo》开启事前登陆,却没中国玩家什么事儿不足以让你掉眼泪,因为它既不是含着金汤匙出生的热门 IP,休闲社交玩法也确实看上去比较鸡肋的话,在看到全球粉丝千千万,从公布之初就因其知名主角和捆绑 AR 技术的玩法期待值爆满的《口袋妖怪GO》首发地区同样无缘中国的消息后,大多数人绝对无法再绅士地保持这般不动声色的状态。
据 PM 社长石原恒透露...