BELLA HAIR SALON - dress up games for girls礼包兑换游戏攻略
BELLA HAIR SALON - dress up games for girls
So cute! Bella needs a new haircut for an important event she will be attending, put your talent as a hairstylist at work and make a braided look. At first, you will be taking care of the texture of the hair because you want to be a healthy one and cleaned as well. Then will come the part where you will arrange the hair by curling it with a lovely braided touch. Do not forget to add a little makeup and some accessories to her stunning new look.
Izak & Birth今天宣布旗下游戏《Girls On Metal》(ガールズ・オン・メタル)即将在下个月上架,游戏的预注册现已开始。
Kadokawa Games近日公布了旗下游戏新作《Starly Girls -Episode Starsia-》(スターリーガールズ)的最新游戏情报,共有三名新角色的情报公开。
斥候型战士,驾驶战机PER-1013 Persephone,等级为恒星一等,使用武器Cadifa Lu Aqlub。本身是一名魔法师,会给周围的人轻松悠闲的感觉,本人身上存在这不少的...
手游《Evony:The King'Return》开发商Top Games的电视广告支出超出了烧钱式营销的策略游戏之王MZ。
来自中国的Top Games为《Evony》手游投放了两支电视广告,播放超过2900次,预估费用为1310万美元。其中大部分费用都花在“Battle of Evony”这支广告(注:范冰冰出演武则天一角的广告),这支广告在超级碗和其它体育赛事上播出。