Guess The Footballer Pro绿色版下载游戏攻略
Do you like football?So this your time to guess football player name and measure the knowledge with this Guess the football players quiz.
- Guess Football Players is a football quiz which ask you to guess name of footballer using their picture as a clue.
- You have to answer the question to pass each level by locating right letters at the available space which is football player's name including them who participate in the World Cup 2018, Russia.*
- Can you guess all football player's name within this football quiz including stars who participate in the World Cup 2018 at Russia??*
If you can't recognize a player's name, don't worry!
- You have hints as credit to get clues even answer the question.
- Every you pass a few levels, you will get more hints.
*Guess The Football Player Pro" is a new quiz checks your knowledge of player's career. Since its first official club to the present. There are more than 100 players! Your task is to try to guess what kind of football here is hidden. Do you think it is easy to handle? Let's try.*
Initially, the game has 48 levels. To have the other levels available, you must be able to access the phone gallery so you can download the images of the various levels
Football/soccer is waiting for you especially within the World Cup 2018 at Russia, Fans! Prove your knowledge of football/soccer player by playing this football/soccer quiz guessing game including player in the World Cup 2018 edition. Good luck! Cheers!
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