Math Miner VR Multiplication绿色版下载游戏攻略
Welcome Rookie! You've been recruited to collect Validium from the asteroids that surround Jupiter, but your navigation system is giving you problems. Math problems! You must solve the problems in order select the asteroid that contains the Validium. Select the wrong asteroid and you will harvest Rongite which will ruin your harvest.
As you master each level your crew will find interesting space junk to decorate your ship with. Master all 10 levels to earn the rank of Math Miner Captain. Then visit the Math Miner site at to purchase your real world Math Miner Captain gear.
Let's get going!
Math Miner VR is designed to teach young students multiplication. It requires a Google Cardboard or compatible VR headset. Your constructive feedback is very much appreciated. Please leave a review or email anytime.
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