Europe Empire 2027绿色版下载游戏攻略
The year is 2027 and the world is in chaos.
The United States' newly-elected president decides to focus on home affairs after promising in his campaign that American soldiers won't be sent to foreign wars anymore.
The United States starts pulling back its forces from around the world.
World markets collapse after a major wars start in the Middle East and South China Sea with concerns of supremacy and unequal sharing of resources.
Europe is left alone to deal with huge floods of refugees and the threat of a big invasion from the east.
The trouble continues for Europe when nationali raises its ugly head in Austria, Turkey and Russia. NATO is no longer relevant.
Conflict spreads worldwide and a few generals in Europe begin coups to seize power.
As the leader of the rebels you were chosen to be the head of your country! Based on real data, the game is designed to think of thousand of possible scenarios. Use diplomacy or declare a war. Its all up to you!
In the game, you select the country you wish to lead and start to play.
The game contains:
Weapons Suppliers from around the world, a Spy Center, a War Room, Diplomats, an Economy, Technology, World News Distribution (Economy, Relations, Spy and War) and very advanced Artificial Intelce.
Weapons in the game:
Mercenaries, Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs), Tanks, Artillery, Anti-Air Missiles, Helicopters, Fighter Jets, Ships, Submarines, Fighting Robots, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Aircraft Carriers and Ballistic missiles.
Playable Countries:
Albania, Armenia, Austria ,Azerbaijan ,Belarus ,Belgium ,Bosnia and Herzegovina ,Bulgaria ,Croatia ,Cyprus ,Czech Republic ,Denmark ,Estonia ,Finland ,France ,Georgia ,Germany ,Greece ,Hungary ,Iceland ,Ireland ,Italy ,Kosovo ,Latvia ,Lithuania ,Luxembourg ,Macedonia ,Malta ,Moldova ,Montenegro ,Netherlands ,Norway ,Poland ,Portugal ,Romania ,Russia ,Serbia ,Slovakia ,Slovenia ,Spain ,Sweden ,Switzerland ,Turkey ,Ukraine ,United Kingdom
Your country vs 44 other AI countries -
Important to know
In the game we show the data as is today.
We took all data from the internet and the game its like scenario for the year 2027.
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近日,日本同人游戏制作者めいぷる为我们带来了旗下游戏《Fate/Empire of Dirt》的最新情报,包括角色立绘、UI、可攻略角色等。
《Fate/Empire of Dirt》是一款R18的同人RPG游戏,预计明年夏天的Comic Market前后发布。
刘秀 金字塔都市的俯瞰
在互联网高度发达的今天,主播已经成为热门职业,其人格魅力吸引着大批粉丝。近日推出的《Idle Tuber Empire》能让我们亲身体验主播的生活,让我们也来火一把!
《Idle Tuber Empire》是一款放置模拟游戏,你将直播自己的名流故事,赚钱吸赞,名利双收。游戏画面采用欧美卡通风格,卡拉OK厅、健身房、歌舞厅等时尚场所令人眼前一亮,在各种聚光灯的照射下,玩家仿佛进入灯红酒绿的世界...
Fate/Empire of Dirt游戏中有哪些人物呢?R18同人游戏《Fate/Empire of Dirt》曝光了一位新角色——中国皇帝刘秀。刘秀作为以为原创人物,在同人游戏中虽然是初次登场,但其乳量却不输任何一位现有角色。
《Fate/Empire of Dirt》刘秀介绍: