Wrestling Game - Funny Wee Wrestle ROFL **绿色版下载游戏攻略
Get ready to rumble! Punch, kick, and wrestle your way through to be the immortals.
Play as funny characters from the pro wrestling raw revolution such as John, Cliff, Hulk, Brock and Vladmir.
If you like mexican wrestling, then this lucha libre game offers a masked mexican toughguy wrestler too! Be prepared to cause mayhem and mania in this 2k wrestling game.
Smack down your opponents, then throw them out of the ring! Wee games have never been this fun! Just like from the old school days, where 2 player wrestling games determine the champion via royal rumble, aka survival mode and last man standing.
Collect coins to upgrade your favourite wrestler supercards in the shop.
Need to perform a spectacular wwd feat? Climb the ropes, time your jumps and dive on the opponent. BOOM and rock your opponent.
- Simple controls to maximize fun. Start kicking and punching right away!
- Entertaining wresling comedy theme
- Clever and not so clever computer opponents. Just like on TV!
- Fight, collect coins, upgrade then fight again! Spend hours playing the game.
- Fill up your rage meter, and performing unstoppable RAGE attacks.
- This is an early access version, and we're still fixing bugs and collecting feedback. Be sure to send us some feedback!
Game of Summoner《召唤者游戏》是一款国产卡牌对战游戏,卡牌设计华丽,人物造型非常精致。玩家就是一名召唤师,在闯荡地下城时适时召唤出自己手下的魔兽和英雄,与敌人PK。由于对战过程是自动进行的,这就使得玩家能把更多精力放在排兵布阵、组织卡牌上。游戏设置了精彩的PvP对战,《召唤者游戏》预计2014年登陆iOS和Android平台,朋友们先来看看游戏的官方宣传片吧!...
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