Matrix - the minesweeper unlimited (2018)绿色版下载游戏攻略
Matrix is one of the many variations of the original classical minesweeper puzzle game with few changes, new look, and unlimited levels. Like the original minesweeper, your main goal is to clear a board using those numeric hints. For instance, if a cell block is numbered 2 then two of its neighbor cell blocks are mines or bombs. To win a board, uncover all the cell blocks that do not contain mines. Wining a board means you are ready for the next level board. Greater the board level, greater its size, and greater requires your time as well as logical calculation. It can be a great brain exercise although some time depends on your good guesses too.
How to play?
‣ Tap to open a mine free cell.
‣ Long press to flag a mined cell.
‣ Press Reset button to start a new or the next level board.
‣ Press Smiley/Bulb button for a Hint (online).
☞ Simple Black & White design.
☞ Smooth and clean graphics.
☞ Original Windows Minesweeper rules.
☞ Easy to play.
☞ Adjustable game play preferences.
☞ Win a Board to unlock the new Board.
☞ Unlimited Board Levels.
☞ Great brain exercise.
☞ Play online/offline.
Give it a try.
《怒首领蜂Unlimited》(DoDonpachi Unlimited)是日本 CAVE 旗下经典竖版弹幕射击游戏《怒首领蜂》系列新作手游,目前已开始接受提前预约登记,暂定 2017 年 1 月上架。
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