Pretty Aodai绿色版下载游戏攻略
Do you like Vietnamese traditional dress AO DAI? It’s simple but also beautiful, charming, elegant, stylish dress for the one who is wearing it. And if you do like AO DAI, then this dress up game is absolutely for you.
The game is 100% FREE with no purchases in game. So it’s fun and safe for young girls.
You can do the makeup, choose hairstyle, several Vietnamese traditional dress- Ao dai, conical hat, shoes and many cute accessories for your charming girl. Just tap the button to figure out all the amazing items. As much as you play you will be able to unlock a lot new special items.
Download now to explore all the options and become an AO DAI Fashionista.
Thank you for playing our first dress up game for girls - Pretty Ao dai. We will try to make new fancy games for you. Have question? Contact us at
由日本Cygames目前正在开发中,预定于2018年在iOS/Android等手机上推出的这款新作游戏《赛马少女Pretty Derby》(ウマ娘プリティーダービー),宣布自即日起正式展开本作事前登录预约注册!
本作为一款让玩家们化身为学校的训练师,来培育养成自己喜欢的赛马少女们,透过各种训练课程,让她们能在全民运动娱乐‘Twinkle Series’大型比赛中获得优胜!而且游戏中玩家们...
美少女星球(Pretty Plant)是一款由由 Monstar Lab 公司开发的日系美少女模拟栽培手游,本作预计在2017年上架安卓/ios平台,喜欢美少女星球(Pretty Plant)的玩家可以提前到官网进行预约!
《美少女星球》(Pretty Plant/プリティプラント)故事背景描述在一个环境类似地球的外星球「Cute(キュート)」上,人们意外发现一种被称为「Cocone(ココネ...
日本TOMOBAKO 旗下的美少女植物育成手游《Pretty Plant》日前已面向iOS/Android 平台开始配信。
本作中玩家可以育成为一种名为‘KOKONE’的美少女植物,每一种‘KOKONE’都会从‘种子(婴儿)’阶段开始成长,然后经历‘花苗(儿童)’成长为‘花朵(大人) ’,外貌也会通过成长逐渐更像人类。