Get the Stones绿色版下载游戏攻略
All you need to do is fly and get the stones.
You use the touchpad at the bottom to fly. The scroll shows the number and type of the stones you need to get, to progress to the next level.
Flying burns you out; so try not to run out of energy. If you do, you will only be able to roam near the ground. But worry not; you can always get the stars to boost your energy.
Then, there are those mystery baubles, that come and go! Some make you grow bigger, while some others make you shrink. There are some that speed you up, while some slow you down. Some gift you a life, while some take it away. Some boost you up, while some others wear you out. There are lot more, which you will see as you progress; be wary, for you know not what it does!
Last, but most important of all, don’t get too close to the spooky bouncing stones.
Let us see how far you can go... All the best!
Additional features:
# Multiple levels, progressing from very easy to harder levels of difficulty.
# Numerous baubles, which when collected, changes the game play in different ways.
# Supports left-handed and right-handed play (position of touchpad is configurable).
# Can be played offline.
活动时间:2017-08-28 18:40:00 至 2017-08-31 18:00:00
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人气线上游戏《RO仙境传说Online》今(26)日公布游戏内人气地点「伊甸园」更新内容。伊甸园是游戏内玩家升级的必经之路,这次优化内容包含新增道具,及 NPC 伙伴陪玩家共闯仙境,更新增任务及剧情,游戏内容更为丰富。此外,本次更新增「伊甸园硬币」,玩家可以收集硬币兑换对应装备,升级之路更顺畅。