كلمات انجليزي لاطفال الحضانه
كلمات انجليزي بسيطه لاطفال الحضانه لتعلم الحروف سريعا كلمتين مع كل حرف لعبه
في شكل لعبة كلمات متقاطعه
الكلمات هيapple ,ant,book,ball,cat,cow,dog,duck,egg,elephant,egg,fish,flower,goat,girl,horse,hen,ice cream,iron,jam,juice,kite,key,lamp,lion,monkey,milk,nest,nose,orange,ox,pen,pencil
Simple English words for children to learn letters quickly two words with each character
In the form of a crossword game
The words are apple, ant, book, ball, cat, cow, dog, duck, egg, elephant, egg, fish, flower, goat, girl, horse, hen, ice cream, iron, jam, juice, lion, monkey, milk, nest, nose, orange, ox, pen, pencil