ReBounce Game绿色版下载游戏攻略
ReBounce! Tap the screen to throw the ball against the wall, and tap again to catch it after it glows orange to score points—don’t miss it! Bounce the ball off surrounding walls to gain point multipliers. Be careful, wall tiles will disappear, giving you less real estate to work with.
ReBounce reinvents the classic schoolyard game of wall ball by adding a few interesting mechanics that you will surely never experience beyond the digital realm:
* POWER-UPS - Gain brief power-ups by throwing the ball against tiles that briefly light up one of three colors. Green tiles double your score multiplier for 10 seconds. Yellow tiles grant invincibility for 10 seconds (you still need to catch it!). Blue tiles restore half of missing wall tiles.
* OBSTACLES - Watch out for the explosive mines! The further you get in the game, the more mines you deal with. Use invincibility to destroy mines!
就像《白箱》播出时大家开始关心动画的制作过程,今年7月新番《NEW GAME!》这部描写刚从高中毕业的社会新鲜人凉风青叶进入游戏公司工作的动画,让大家又开始对游戏公司产生了兴趣。
《NEW GAME!》结合可爱的女孩子与游戏公司主题两大特色,开播后网路上对人设都给予高度评价,至于剧情精彩度还要继续观察接下来的发展。然而有不少眼尖的观众都发现一个重点,那就是18岁的青叶进入公司第一天的下班时间居然...
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