Chests Simulator for Clash Royale绿色版下载游戏攻略
Our simulator chests, which was made to better simulate the receipt of cards from all possible chests, which are represented in the game Clash Royale. The game is open all the chests - you can open any!
All chests open instantly! You do not need to wait much time - unlike the original!
In the game there is a simulator of fights!
In our simulator, it is possible to test all the cards in the arena, except the simulator of the chests, we have a simulator of battles. In it you can check how the cards behave in battle! The maximal simulated behavior (cards) is like in the original game, but this mode is in (BETA) testing!
Absolutely all the chests!
All 86 cards!
Realistic combat simulator 8 vs 8!
And much more!
This is FAN content!
Rejection of rights in the game!
部落冲突皇室战争好玩吗?玩法与coc部落冲突有什么不同呢?不少玩家对皇室战争Clash Royale的玩法还不是很了解,今天九游玉米就为大家带来皇室战争的玩法详解攻略。快一起来看看吧!
部落冲突皇室战争界面有哪些功能系统呢?Clash Royale由于只有英文版,所以有不少玩家不清楚界面上各种标志代表什么意思。今天九游玉米就为大家带来新手必备功能界面解说攻略,快一起来看看吧!