Programming for kids - Fun education series绿色版下载游戏攻略
This is a learning application of coding.
But there is no programming code.
It is a game that operates the robot and leads to the goal.
By trial and error children can acquire logical thinking skills.
Please enjoy with parents and children.
Introduction of basic operation.
There are Levels 1 to 3.
It has 24 stages each.
●Level 1
Map of 5*5. Operating a robot.
●Level 2
Map of 6*6. Operating a ship.
The difficulty level will rise.
●Level 3
Map of 7*7. Operating a space ship.
Use the Function command.
The difficulty level will rise further.
■Collect Stars
This is a game that collects as many stars as possible.
It is a test of applied skill.
* No banner advertisement on this app.
* Some contains in-app purchases.
迈入猴年新春,《球球大作战》2月9日(猴年大年初二)峰值DAU(日活跃用户)突破750万大关。好事成双,今日,Superpop&Lollipop工作室正式宣布,3月5日《球球大作战》 “潮流竞技,无限Fun大”主题嘉年华活动将于上海飞行家主题乐园盛大召开,届时将与千万球球宝贝们一同狂欢,力求尽最大努力回馈玩家们的支持。
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