BOS II: Billionaire Chasing stars绿色版下载游戏攻略
You're starting your long way to success with 4 bucks in your pocket. Your goal is to invest this money so that you could create your own business.
- Found your first company and hire first employees.
- Change your gender to female in case you don't want to be a male.
- Buy various stuff to emphasize your status: cars, personal security, penthouse, personal stylist.
- Expand your business and become the head of your own transport company.
- Launch your first spaceship to the Moon.
- Found your own bank.
- Evade taxes and take bribes from influential people.
- Sell businesses, buy up shares and make even more money.
- Set up colonies on Mars, Titan and build up your first interplanetary business.
- Buy yourself a nuclear bike, a robohorse for travelling over Europe and build a luxurious villa with artificial atmosphere on Mars.
- Make a technological breakthrough and build an interstellar spaceship.
- Install an exoskeleton under your skin and implant a chip into your body that will allow you live forever without air.
- Conquer the whole Solar System and travel to Alpha Centaur to grasp the largest gold stocks in the Universe.
金币、经验、极品道具…… 这里全都有,而且还是滚滚而来,直入你的背包!在幻魔之境中的怪物十分密集,击败后除了能获得高于一般怪物许多倍的经验值与金币量,还能获得海量荣誉之星、竞技之星、神器之星,让你轻松兑换到各类极品装备,最最重要的是,击败怪物还有很大几率直接掉落紫装,让你从头武装到...
浩天奇缘II变态版是一款极其热血的仙侠类角色扮演手机游戏,浩天奇缘II变态版集策略、养成、角色扮演、社交等多种元素为一体,使游戏 更具去微信和挑战性。丰富的职业...