Army Man Games For Kids绿色版下载游戏攻略
The Army Man Games For Kids Free App contains sounds and images of warfare and combat vehicles. Only download this app if you approve of these sounds and images in the Army Vehicle Games For Kids App! Have an awesome time playing with memory games, awesome puzzles, and the most fun at all… combat vehicles sounds, in this cool army games for kids designed for ages 3 & up.
When you download the army games for free: kids app you’ll get trunk full of fun and:
Cool Vehicles Sounds. So much fun for all ages!
Funky Puzzle- With 3 levels so the app grows with you.
Super Fun Match Games
Very Cool Throw Game.
Fun Camera Cover Games.
Combat Vehicles Sounds
The cool Army Man Games For Kids Free features 3 awesome combat vehicles noises! Exciting sounds can be heard when you tap the images. Jet, Helicopter and Tank.
Armies Matching games
The four different and very entertaining toddler memory games are wicked fun and designed for kids. The player must remember where each image is located and match each one to its corresponding image to win. Playing the kids army games matching will encourage:
-Recognition and memory skills.
-Fine motor skills.
Army Puzzle games
The exciting puzzle shows three dramatic images. The player must assemble the scrambled image to win. Three different difficulty levels let the player select the number of puzzle pieces.
Put on your seat belt and strap in for some cool tank fun in the Army Man Games For Kids Free and let your child have fun learning through play with a Fun Simple Play!
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游戏背景故事介绍 《Running Man》是韩国SBS推出的超人气新艺术能节目,由七位固定成员及不同嘉宾参演。每期节目对应不同的主题,分不同的队伍进行比赛,获胜者可获得称号或奖品,失败者必须得到惩罚,节目中的撕贴纸等环节收获好评无数。 本游戏中除各成员经典昵称、形象外,更结合节目中的经典环节进行设置,玩家可以真正体验节目中各成员闯关的心路历程。 主要操作方式 控屏操控:向上划屏为跳跃;向下拉屏...