Dice - Simple Dice Roller绿色版下载游戏攻略
Dice is a Simple, Lightweight, Easy To Use and Child-Friendly Dice Roller App that Generates Any Random Number from 1 to 6 for FREE!
- How To Use:
Just Install the App for FREE and You Are Good To Go!, Click 'ROLL' Button To Generate Any Random Number from 1 to 6.
- Features:-
- Simple:
This App provides you the simplest User-Intece that even a Child could Operate!. A clean Light Red Background color makes it stress-free for the Eyes.
- Lightweight:
This App is below 5mb making it the lightest Dice App available on PlayStore in addition, it also consumes less space on your Phone.
- Useful For Multiple Occasions:
Dice App can be used for multiple occasions such as Games, Office Works, Predictions, Bets, Password Ideas and many more.
- User-Friendly:
This App is totally meant only for your purpose meaning you won't be facing any surveys and task to use the App.
One of the best things about this App is that it is totally FREE to download so you don't have to invest anything into it.
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/c/techlenses
- Facebook: https://facebook.com/techlenses
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/techlenses
- Email: techlenses@gmail.com
近日,一款名为《Slice Dice & Rice》的有着炫酷格斗场景的横版动作类游戏登陆了Steam,游戏凭借很强的操作性以及畅快的打击感吸引了不少玩家,玩家可以在游戏中选择多种武器和职业,最赞的是该游戏为一击必杀,绝对够震撼!
《Slice Dice & Rice》宣传片:
关于《Slice Dice & Rice》:
开发商:Dojo Games ...
《守望先锋》从正式上线就热度不止,更是在各种游戏盛典上拿奖拿到手软,在最近的DICE 2017大奖上,《守望先锋》又来刷奖啦!第20届DICE大奖颁奖典礼刚刚结束,对过去一年中优秀的游戏作品和游戏人进行鼓励。在拉斯维加斯举行的典礼上,《守望先锋》击败同获提名的《战地》《神秘海域4》《Inside》和《精灵宝可梦Go》,夺得了年度游戏。
《骰子魔法师Dice Mage》没有真刀真枪,决定玩家命运的只有一场场捉摸不定的、实力与运气兼具的骰子赌局。
画 面简单像素风,关卡为浮空的岛屿
音 乐幽默诙谐,相对比较紧凑
操 作一只手指便可操作
费 用免费 评分:8.0