Beamer's World绿色版下载游戏攻略
The Beamer’s World 360° app is designed for kids who have participated in the Hazelden Betty Ford Children’s Program. In this fun and immersive app, kids will hang out with Beamer and his friends as they share feelings and problems and review important lessons learned in the 4-day Children’s Program.
This 360° app can be viewed in 2D or 3D mode. In 2D mode, move your device or scroll with your finger to look all around the classroom; switch into 3D mode and place phone into a 3D viewer to feel like you are really in the classroom with Beamer!
Upon installing and opening the app, you will be asked to enter the access code that was provided to you at the end of the 4-day program. If you did not receive a code or the code is not working, please contact Robby at
Remember, addiction can never be a kids’ fault, you are not alone, and there are safe people to talk to!
For more information about the Children’s Program, please contact one of our centers:
Rancho Mirage, CA: (760) 773-4291
Aurora, CO: (303) 745-2275
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《BTS World》内存多大呢?很多小伙伴想要下载这款以韩国男团防弹少年团为原型的手游,但是不知道这款游戏内存有多大。那么接下里,就跟随九游的小编一起来看一下具体的介绍吧!
《BTS World》这款游戏本身的内存并不大,安装包大小仅为95.56MB。