Magc Pa Tls 4 gs绿色版下载游戏攻略
Challenge your reflexes and and improve your reaction speed and musical skills and
play BTS piano songs!
Magic Piano Tiles 4 BTS is :
- Play your favorite DJ songs
- Create beautiful melodies
- play piano covers of Marshmello songs
- Challenge your reflexes and reaction time
- Increase your game speed to win more points
Rule of the game :
It's very simple, just tap the black tiles and avoid the white tiles. That's all !
Try out this music tiles game now and improve your reaction speed and musical skill!
- I need you
- Best of me
- Love yourself
- Go GO
- Butterfly
- Dope
- Spring day
- Fake love
- Serendipity
- Idol
And More ...
This game is an unofficial fan application.
He is not affiliated or endorsed by BTS team , or his label.
This application does not include any copyrighted material.
The piano melodies are arranged with individual piano notes.
For entertainment purposes only.
Magic Piano , Piano Tiles game , BTS , Theme songs , Bangtan Boys , Bulletproof Boy Scouts
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