Cirlce Bird绿色版下载游戏攻略
Circle Bird is an arcade game in which you have to tap the screen in order to make the bird flap and go higher. It's harder than you think because the bird has a circle crown on its legs which should not contact the logs. As you go you collect more and more points so that you can challenge your friends with your highscore.
This game was created, by FrediGames which belongs to YouTuber FrediGtv, as a bonus content for the viewers.
《Flappy Bird》被玩疯了,就连智能手表也来凑这个热闹。可在Pebble智能手表《Tiny Bird》其凶残程度可谓是有过之而无不及,一起去看看吧!...
近日,小编身边有很多朋友在玩儿一款名叫《Flappy Bird》的小游戏,并且该游戏在各平台游戏商店的排行榜名列前茅。究竟这款游戏有何奇葩之处,能够吸引如此高的下载量呢?
还记得那款魔性的《Flappy Bird》游戏吗?日前,《华盛顿邮报》就参考了这款游戏开发了一款以美国2016年总统大选竞选人为主角的游戏--《Floppy Candidate》。该家媒体介绍称:“毫不夸张地说,由(公司)内部工程师、设计师和开发者组成的团队打造出了一款可以帮助你玩转大选季的软件。”
跟《Flappy Bird》一样,《Floppy Candidate》也使用了8位像素级的画面,...