Tiles Piano Magic 3绿色版下载游戏攻略
Piano Tiles is a rhythm game in which you have to try to play some of the most famous songs in the world, using a piano keyboard on the screen of your Android. What's the problem ? The keys of the piano change at full speed!
The operation of this second Piano Tiles is almost identical to that of the first. A series of piano keys follow each other on the screen at full speed and you have to press each one at the right moment to continue playing. If you press the right keys, you can continue playing and listening to the chosen song; but at the slightest mistake, you will have to stop.
In the music selection of the game, you will find only airs known worldwide, mainly classical music: several sonatas and symphonies of Mozart, some movements of Chopin or Bach and, of course, songs like Jingle Bells and the Canon of Pachelbel.
美国增强现实公司Magic Leap成立于2011年,先后曾获得过包括谷歌、高通资本、KKR在内的众多大牌投资机构的融资,不过该公司至今却也没有出品过一款真正意义上的作品,而近些时候,该公司还传出了造假风波,一度让人们认为这就是一家皮包公司。而近日,该公司再度传来一则消息,那就是收购了德克萨斯州的游戏工作室FuzzyCube Software。
FuzzyCube Software是著名手游《神...
威世智(Wizards of the Coast )今(10)日宣布,《魔法风云会(Magic)》2014 年最新系列作《Magic 2015》已于7 月 10 日,同步全球于Apple Store 上架!
在《Magic 2015》中,玩家将扮演被猎杀的鹏洛客,而猎杀者竟是遭受锁链面纱腐化的召兽使贾路,鹏洛客们将会迎接种种困难的任务,一路挑战多样的对手,背负着「Hunt Bigger ...
gumi推出的全新动作手游《Smash & Magic(スマッシュ&マジック)》正式开启了事前登陆活动,本作预计于今年夏季正式上线。
在《Smash & Magic》中,玩家可以操作自己的军队来对抗敌军,当被打飞的敌人撞到我方时,我方可以将敌人打回去,形成追打攻击的「Smash」;而施展 Smash 后所累积的 “玛娜” 则可以用来发动华丽必杀技「Magic」。