Bow and Apple绿色版下载游戏攻略
Apple shoot is a 2D shooting game.In this game you can shoot apples with arrow by using bow.And you can play until the arrows are completed.
This is the addictive game.Anyone can play this game.When the arrow hit apple then the apple splashes into pieces.
Audio is also good for this game while dragging the arrow and when the apple splashes.Graphics are more attractive.
First u have drag the arrow and aim to an apple and then you release the arrow.
When the arrow hit the apple then your score will be noticed at top.
The apple position changes randomly when you hit the apple.
When you fail to hit apple by arrows then game is over and the result score is displayed on screen.
北京时间9月8日凌晨,在苹果新品发布会上,《精灵宝可梦GO》的开发商Niantic Labs也携带新的应用《精灵宝可梦GO Plus(Pokemon GO Plus)》来到现场。并告知现场观众,《GO》下载量已突破5亿。
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在9月8的苹果发布会上,公布一则对pokemon go粉丝的好消息,精灵宝可梦GO即将登录新的Apple Watch!Pokemon go+Apple Watch让人们在玩游戏的同时能够有更多机会运动,在游山玩水的同时,也方便随时玩游戏。
在发布会上的演示中,我们看到,精灵训练师可以通过表盘看出自己的速度、运动距离以及卡路里,也能看到周围玩游戏的伙伴。Pokemon go在全球各地设置了许多...