KashJewel - play for FREE, win real MONEY绿色版下载游戏攻略
KashJewel is the first app where you can WIN REAL MONEY, playing a FREE game. No purchase required, this is totally FREE!!!
And very simple!! You play, you score, the highest scores wins. You can play as many time as you wish, so you have as many opportunities to make the highest score as you want.
We have a DAILY and a WEEKLY contest, you can play for one or both of them.
There is no random draw. You can easily check on the leaderboards what your score and position are, so it is very easy to know how much you may win at the end of the daily or weekly contest.
There is no minimum amount to reach before you can withdraw your cash. You win, you can transfer the amount you won to your Paypal account through our website.
The game is a jewel matching game.
• Match 3 or more identical jewels
• Match 4 jewels creates the bomb jewel
• Match 5 jewels creates the special jewel destroying all jewels of the colour you match it with
Lightning jewel come randomly every 30 jewels destroyed.
Match jewels continuously and rapidly to increase your score with bonus
• play 5 daily games and get a 10% point bonus
• play 15 daily games and get a 20% point bonus
• play 30 weekly games and get a 10% point bonus
• play 90 daily games and get a 20% point bonus
If you have any questions, comments on our game email us at info@kashgames.com
Kashgames Ltd.
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《KashJewel - play for FREE, win real MONEY绿色版下载》下载版本说明
《KashJewel - play for FREE, win real MONEY绿色版下载》
KashJewel - play for FREE, win real MONEY绿色版是指不用安装的软件,通常情况是一个压缩文件,解压后就能直接运行的,小编不推荐下载KashJewel - play for FREE, win real MONEY绿色版,比较推荐玩家们到九游下载正版,九游为广大的游戏爱好者提供了游戏下载,游戏种类齐全,可以说是国内外最新的单机游戏、还有最热的网游,在这里能得到快速的下载,精彩内容不间断的推荐,绝对是玩游戏的朋友们首选之地。