Power Play绿色版下载游戏攻略
Power Play (The Board Game) is a registered trademark of Ikeja Electric Plc (IE)
The game is, designed to entertain and educate players on the basic issues that affect consumers daily within the IE Network.
1. The game allows for between 1-3 players including computer.
2. Each player is required to roll a”six” in order to start playing. This initial ”six” gets you ”plugged-in ” and the follow up throw of the dice is what you will count. Note you DO NOT COUNT THE FIRST SIX. This is just to get you plugged into the game.
3. Each roll of a”six” requires a follow up roll of the dice.
4. Each player rolls the dice in turn. Move your counter (token) forward by the number of spaces shown on the dice.
5. If your token lands on BONUS, you pick one of the cards labeled BONUS. Whatever is written in the card is your required action.
6. If your token lands on VIOLATION, you pick one of the cards labeled VIOLATION. Whatever is written in the card is your required action.
7. If your token lands on HAZARD, you pick one of the cards labeled HAZARD. Whatever is written in the card is your required action.
8. If your token lands on POWER-UP, you pick one of the cards labeled POWER-UP. Whatever is written in the card is your required action.
9. The first player to get to box 100- where the IE logo is, WINS!
10. The IE-HIGHWAY is a stretch of player fields with no obstacles- ooth sailing.
11. Please note that all Violations and Hazards stated here are real and as you play, take note to ensure that in your homes you watch out for them.
终于!千呼万唤中2016年上海ChinaJoy于今日上午在上海新国际博览中心盛情开宴!虽然上海发布了高温预警信号,不过再炎热的夏日也挡不住大家的激情,好玩友展台也为所有游戏爱好者们准备了连续四天的玩乐派对,天天有惊喜, “PLAY”到根本停不下来!2016CJ首日,好玩友会给大家带来怎么样精彩活动?赶紧先来一睹为快把!
北京时间1月26日消息,谷歌正式宣布在Play Games中取消了强制使用Google+登录的要求,允许没有谷歌帐号的新用户全面使用这项服务。新版Play Games的发布日期尚未明确,但该团队表示,应该会在2016年推出。如果你之前尚未使用Play Games,那最好等几个月再注册。
新玩家可以注册玩家ID帐号,而老用户则可以继续使用Google+帐号登录Play Games。新的...
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