My sport quiz免费下载游戏攻略
Quiz App
Mobile Application – iOS & Android
The FIFA World Cup 2018 is just around the corner, and the excitement in the air is about to blow out of promotions. Don’t get settled in just yet, because, we are introducing a new ‘Quiz App’ that allows all users to participate in the ‘International FIFA Prediction Quiz’ for FREE.
How does the ‘Quiz App’ work?
The app is out for use internationally, which means you’ll be playing against users from all over the world.
• Once you register in-app you receive access to 5 stages of the game. (Stages open and close based on the progression of the game)
• Stage 1: Group Games (8 different groups/ 4 Teams in each group/ 6 matches per group)
i.e: 6*8 matches gives the user 48 opportunities to predict the winner.
• Stage 2: Round 16 (Totally 16 matches with 16 opportunities to predict)
• Stage 3: Quarter Final (8 Matches)
• Stage 4: Semi- Final (4 Matches)
• Stage 5: Final (1 Match)
When do you start?
• The app launches on May 31, 2018, and gives you instant access to the ‘Group and Final stage’.
• The opportunity to predict the winner for these two stages closes on June 15, 2018.
• Successively the other stages will open; giving you the prospect to predict.
Other Features:
Access to
• Sports News
• World Cup Schedule
• Bi-lingual App – Arabic/ English
• My Record (Holds information on all questions answered by the user)
• Users will get to answer only ONE question at a time with only ONE answer at a time
• If there should be more than one user with the right answer, the decision of the winner lies in the hands of the app administrator
• Final match prediction extends an ‘Exciting Prize’
• Each prediction wins a prize, and that gives users 77 chances to win a prize
Download the FREE Quiz App to get started on your predictions today!
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赛车游戏《GT Sport》需要时刻联网,据悉,如果不联网的话,就算日常的存档也不能保存。下面,一起来了解下吧。
据Ars Technica,《GT Sport》离线模式中唯一能做的是游玩街机模式。尽管该模式支持使用在线时解锁的车辆和赛道,但你只能玩单人比赛或计时比赛。