Look, Your Loot!免费下载游戏攻略
An involving card game with bits of magic and simple rules. You'll get 4, 9 or 16 cards with the one representing your brave hero, which you move one step left or right, or up, or down. The hero is to go through dungeons, unlock chests, drink elixir, collect coins, cast fireballs, avoid spiked traps, defeat bosses. Break into a number of leaderboards!
The game provides simple basic mechanics with roguelike elements, but it is a hard task to become a master.
You've got 8 heroes with different tactics to reach as much loot as you can. They are Knight, Mage, Paladin, Thief, Ruiner, Dark Druid, Sir Lancelot and Berserker.
Defeat a boss and add difficulty to the game and upgrade the hero. Get a chest as a reward. Take care: among useful cards one can meet erous ones, like poison, for example.
The game will surely give you some nice moments to spend, or some hours, because it is said to be addictive.
《火炬之光》(I/II)系列是由前暴雪娱乐北方总裁,暗黑破坏神之父Max Schaefer创建的世界顶级游戏工作室Runic Games制作,被誉为世界最出色的ARPG游戏之一,真正暗黑精髓精神的延续者。《火炬之光》移动版不仅在画风上呈现了与端游一脉相承的独特美术风格,游戏的核心玩法也保留了端游中的精髓,暗黑类游戏和《火炬之光》系列中独特且极致的随机地图隐藏区域、随机精英怪、随机装备、随机宝箱等精...
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