Dots & Boxes免费下载游戏攻略
Game Rule:
Players take turns in drawing lines between dots on a grid. The player who completes the most boxes wins.
The game is played starting with a rectangular array of dots.
During each turn, a player draws a line joining two adjacent dots. The line must either be horizontal or vertical.
If a player draws a line which completes a square, then the player earns points. If a square is completed by any player, then one more move needs to be completed by the same player.
The goal of each player is to complete as many boxes as possible and earn maximum amount of points. This continues until no more moves can be made.
When all the boxes have been completed the winner is the player who completed the the most boxes.
The game is more complex than it appears, and even on a 6X6 grid there is plenty of opportunity for skillful play.
《Two Dots》实际上并不是一款新游戏,但是在腾讯代理下这款让人无法放手的经典消除游戏再次大放异彩,这款游戏的前身是在前几天风靡一时的《Dots》,作为续作《Two Dots》早在去年就获得了多个国家好评推荐的惊人成绩,相比前作《Two Dots》加入了收集要素等新玩法。
Dots&Co是一款以经典的界面解密元素所制作的游戏,小伙伴将会体验到一系列玩法十分出色的消除游戏任务,游戏的操作体验比较给力,难度不大,十分有创意,《Dots & Co.》现已正式登陆移动平台,感兴趣的小伙伴不雅错过了哦!