Drama Melayu Senang Jek!免费下载游戏攻略
Permainan ini adalah eksklusif untuk rakyat Malaysia yang suka menonton televisyen. TV merupakan media massa yang sangat penting sebagai alat hiburan untuk kita semua. Anda mestilah sentiasa tonton program TV terutamanya drama dan filem bahasa Melayu yang menarik untuk meluangkan masa.
Cari bermain permainan ini adalah senang sahaja. Anda hanya perlu mencari nama drama atau filem yang dijumpai dalam papan soalan yang dihampirkan. Drama Melayu dan filem Melayu dahulu, terkini, popular, mempunyai rating yang tinggi, berunsur novel, dipapar atas talian (online), dari siaran TV percuma atau siaran TV berbayar juga akan tersembunyi di papan soalan.
Anda mungkinnya mengingat sinopsis dan watak utama iaitu pelakon pujaan yang berlakon dalam drama kesukaan anda. Apabila anda tonton klip-klip wayang, anda boleh cakaplah apa nama drama itu. Tapi, tanpa petunjuk seperti nama selebriti, aktor dan aktress, bolehkah anda mencari nama drama yang tersembunyi? Jom mencabar ingatan dan IQ anda!
Cinema elements collection, Movie poster in vintage style, Set vintage colored objects, and Playing video on the tablet designed by freepik.
The game is exclusive to Malaysians who love to watch television. TV media is very important as a means of entertainment for all of us. You must always watch TV programs, especially drama and film Malay interesting to spend time.
Search play this game is fun only. You just need to find the name of drama or film found in the questions that approximated. Malay Drama and Film Festival this week, latest, popular, has a high rating, explicit novel, viewed online (online), of free TV broadcasts or broadcast pay-TV will also be hidden on the board questions.
You impossibility given the synopsis and the main character actor who starred in the idol drama you prefer. When you watch movie clips, you can tell me what the name of the play. But, without a clue as names for celebrities, actors and aktress, can you find the hidden drama name? Let's challenge your memory and IQ!
Collection elements Cinema, Movie poster in vintage style, vintage set of colored objects, and playing video on the tablet designed by Freepik.