D20 - Dice Roller免费下载游戏攻略
The best way to create and manage your dice easily and fast.
D20 Dice Roller is a simple app to manage dice for your game available for android artphone and tablet.
You can roll single dice, multiple dice or mix them. If you want you can add a bonus or malus value.
You can also save your favorite or more frequent dice with name to recognize them later.
Graphics intece was developed to make the user experience as good as possible.
List of features:
- Easy and minimal intece;
- Rollable dices: d2 d4 d6 d8 d10 d12 d20 d100;
- Roll single, multiple, mixed dice without any limits;
- Bonus/Malus management;
- Save, update and remove dice at any time;
- 100% Free
Example of dice rollable:
2d20 + 5
2d4 + d6 - 1
4d6 + 1d4 + 2d2
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针对大量批评,DICE执行制作人Aleksander Grøndal在Twitter上进行了回应。他表示DICE作为游戏开发者,他们的设计哲学是娱乐性永远高于真实性。
最近,在的采访中,DICE的技术总监Christian Holmquist谈到了《战地5》的光线跟踪。并对该游戏的优化有着极大的信心,承诺开启RTX的效果也能保持60帧。
虽然光线追踪的性能表现目前有点令人担忧,但DICE认为,他们能够在1920 x 1080的分辨率下,达到60fps的水平。然而,在游戏的某些场景中,开发人员会人为调低光线跟踪的效果,以抑制性能表现的下降。
早在《战地1(Battlefield 1)》发售之前,就有消息称《战地》系列游戏或将进军电竞领域,对此EA和开发商DICE并没有表态。由于《战地》系列游戏本身主打64人超大规模的多人对战,作为电竞游戏显然有些牵强,然而事实却狠狠给了你一巴掌,EA竟然真的要开展《战地》系列电竞赛事。
面对目前电竞行业的飞速发展,《战地》系列的开发商EA DICE显然是不愿落后于潮流。近日,其在官网上正式挂出...