Deadbotz 3 VR Mute Winter免费下载游戏攻略
VR DeadBotz 3 Mute Winter
Please read the following configuration details carefully
Anjin Games VR standard configuration:
Minimum requirements-
* Android compatible VR headset required *
* Full feature Android compatible Gamepad required *
* Snapdragon processor 821 or faster *
* Android compatible headphones *
* WiFi connection (multiplay connected experience)
Fight all the cyborg bad guys in surround VR. Immerse yourself in a dynamic battle to save the city from cyborgs and defeat the boss mech. After that challenge your friends in the multiplay arena.
《驾驶VR DryVR》是一款VR游戏。带上头盔,进行驾驶,在无尽的跑道上。简单地看,你想要去的,你会开车的方...
《源代码VR Hardcode VR》是由国外的一个4人团队所制作的集解密,动作冒险、射击于一体的VR...
2016年Casual Connect峰会欧洲站在荷兰阿姆斯特丹举行。业内普遍认为Oculus Rift、HTC Vive和PlayStation VR三大高端VR头显“入市”将为科技和游戏界带来颠覆性影响,但有开发者指出,与PC和主机VR头显相比,移动VR头显更有潜力推动VR迅速普及。
前《糖果传奇》开发商King高管,VR游戏公司Resolution Games首席执行官汤米•帕...