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At a small island along the coast of the country Thailand. People into building homes as housing for many generations. Making progress in the industry by increasing population, which most people in the drilling of various mining career. Explosive oil well Digger, and caves make large machinery must be used as a tool to help make the work more quickly. People with income from work is quite high, and put money into developing their own housing.
But one day, it caused unexpected events. When the strap-on earth began to shake slightly, making people panic and fear, but no-one knows what a long day to go until the Earth began to shake. Buildings collapsed. The ground moves out caused a fissure People flee survive a pulsed Valley Losses that occur cause everybody grief and regret, prayer, disaster is just dreamy batni. Everything that is created is lost illusion shattered overnight.
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欧洲游戏发行商eRepublik Labs最近公布了一款新作品《Cannon Land》。这是一款非常可爱的休闲益智游戏,画面走的是动漫可爱风格,背景音乐也是轻快明了,让人耳目一新。先看一下游戏的预告片。
游戏中玩家要把可爱的小动物用大炮向前发射,前面的炮在接到这枚“炮弹”后继续向前发射。《Cannon Land》中玩家可以尽量让炮弹一次性飞得更远些,这样会获得更高的分数,更多的奖励将可以用...
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