Detectives Club免费下载游戏攻略
Detectives Club is an adventure game in which the story is just a story based on an event or a crime. In it, the players play as the detective or one of the characters in the story. The game is designed to automatically without the need to update or install other general parts, and the stories appear in the main menu of the game. The player can choose the one he likes, but it should be borne in mind that to play any of the game, it should be downloaded so that it can be played. The game-play is standardized the same as all adventure games.
Detectives Club is an adventure game that is designed for smartphones by Aanimator Company. The story is about solving a murder case that to solve it the detective should find all the clues and answer the questions he has in mind. In order to solve the case and get clues, the detective should talk with people involved in the murder scene or the suspects of the case and interrogate them. He should also examine the murder scene evidence, sometimes fingerprints, a mysterious trace or a clothing button that is surviving in the murder scene. During the game, these evidences will assist him to solve the case. In the meantime, the detective should solve some mysteries to get the clues. The game environment is fully three-dimensional and real-time. Since the story takes place in early Pahlavi period, the game environment has been made in the style of old Tehran. Lalehzar Street, Grand Hotel and etc. have been just renovated to enhance the gaming fun. Costume and set design and the two-dimensional graphics of the game are according to that period. All of these features have made Detectives Club as one of the best adventure games in its genre.
As the name implies, This game is not limited to a particular detective and it has been planned in a way that the levels are added to the game as needed without general update; so that at first players download at part of the game and then they should receive the next parts. The game has been made in such a way that will be developed in future by adding other stories. Two different styles have been applied at game programming that each story could be one of these two styles. To start the gameplay of the game, the producer has made its story as a third person and presumes that the next story is expressed as a first person. However, the elements and story process of them are the same and mystery-solving, dialogues, scene of a murder investigation, getting clues and answering to them in both styles are the same. Perhaps this question is arisen that why the game has been designed in this way? Producer acknowledges that each story has its own style but solving all cases is the same.
The sound recording of characters in the studio has been done by sound professionals. There is a high accuracy at ambiance part. In general, the game's sound recording is of a high standard.
Game story
The game-play of the game indicates that each episode has its own story, and this adds to its charm. The game is not simply limited to a case and a detective story and certainly that's why the game is called "Detectives Club".
Note: The first stage of the game can be played by installing the game, but other parts will need to be downloaded.
The first case : The story of the Madam
The murder case took place in the early days of the century, the time when Iran's judicial system and its inspectors faced political tensions and instability. At this juncture, one of the wealthy people of the capital that is close to Shah's court is tragically murdered. The murder took place at the guesthouse, so that the crew and the husband did not realize it, the dead body was found at 6 AM by the servant, and the evidence shows that the victim was in her room until one or one thirty AM and then went to the guesthouse. Because of the importance of this issue, the top authorities set of one of the most skillful for the investigation to find the criminal.
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