Final Duel免费下载游戏攻略
This game is part of Pinocchio Game Collection - A collection of accessible games for blind and visually impaired people.
As the name says, this is a classic cowboy duel game.
You play against various cowboys with different characters by three kinds of weapon with different ranges.
There are seven cowboy characters: lazy cowboy, wimpy cowboy, playboy cowboy, angry lazy cowboy, angry wimpy cowboy, angry playboy cowboy and real killer cowboy. Each of them has different fighting strategy.
Three kinds of weapon are handgun (50m range), shotgun (100m range) and rifle with 200m range.
You control you position by tilt your device and fire by shoot buttons.
You have 21 levels to pass over.
Final Duel is designed to work with TalkBack and other screen readers. So, you don't need to turn off TalkBack when playing.
Final Duel has a beautiful, simple graphical user interface. If you don't know how to play, you can ask sighted friends for help.
How to play:
- This game plays in landscape mode and stereo headphones is required. Test you headphones before playing to make sure you worn correctly.
- You run at bottom of screen. You control your position by tilt your device to left or right side. If you reach the most of left or right side, you'd hear a wall-hitting sound. There are several shoot buttons on the left bottom of screen. Click to them to fire.
- Your opponent runs on top of screen. You'd hear a sound indicating relative position of them to you.
- When you survive a fight, you'd be moved to next level.
Description of screen:
Screen are split to three areas:
1. Left side: Four functional buttons and fire buttons.
- New button: play from first level.
- Continue button: play from highest level you've reached.
- Test headphones button: test your headphones.
- Exit button: Leave the game.
- Many fire buttons.
2. Center area: fight area.
3. Right side: Information about current level: opponent info, weapon, range.
Final Duel requires two device's sensors to work: Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER and Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD. If one is missing, sorry!
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