Vocabulary Test for 4th Grade免费下载游戏攻略
Free word games and cool games for kids!
Learning vocabulary in english is not a boredom for fourth grade anymore.
Through vocabulary test for 4th grade, the fourth grade can learn english grammar and pronounce words easily.
Vocabtest is needed for vocabulary workshop and enrich their vocabulary words.
Spelling words, colorful images, simple layout, professional pronounciation of the right vocabulary, playing words with friends;
learn english is so much easier and fun for your 4th grade kids.
Vocabulary test for 4th grade is the best word games that consist of powerful words, cool words, noun, and encouraging words.
The kids don't need dictionary, webster dictionary, or english dictionary anymore to answer ielts, toefl, and toefl ibt based question.
The test given with a clue, so the kids can answer it easily.
Vocabulary test for 4th grade is a good inovation for education and assessment in schools, including in charter schools.
Word finder, word crush, and word puzzle, all the feature in vocabulary test will help to enhance proficiency for fourth grade.
Vocabulary test for 4th grade will replace the role of dictionary for kids.
English language is one of the most important foreign language in the world and online quiz is one of best solution to learn english.
Vocabulary test for 4th grade also have a ranking feature.
So they could have an effort to be better and catch the top ranking.
Better if their friends are playing too.
They can make a challenge to be the top ranker and you’ll find your kids eager to learn more to enhance their vocabularies.
Features :
1.Top Players with friends in Facebook
2.Gain coins for being Top Players
3.Clue in every questions
4.Improve listening and pronounciation skill
5.Understandable voice-over the words
6.Simple yet colorful design
Vocabulary test for fourth grade is easy and fun to play.
1.See and read the question given
2.Try to answer it with the most possible word. You can get a help from the clue.
3.Choose the right vocabulary
4.Get a wrong answer? Need a help? Ask your friend in Facebook and invite them to play together
5.Listen the correct pronounciation for the words after answering the correct English Word
6.Try to spell it correctly and repeat
Download Vocabulary test for 4th grade to help your kids in learning vocabularies.
Spelling and learning a words is no more a challenge for your 4th grade kids.
Through this vocabulary test games, you can see your kids develop their capabilities in vocabulary in the fastest period.
If you feel vocabulary test for 4th grade is helpful for you and your kids, please share, rate, and review.
Parents and kids are the best reviewer.
We need your feedback to make this game better.
Kindly reach us in our email on the play store if you have any question or suggestion.
Help us to always provide high quality of educational games.
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