PopMundo Unofficial App免费下载游戏攻略
Popmundo is an online game and community where players fight for fame in a virtual music industry.
You start the game like a unknown guy without a handkerchief or document, only with dreams. You practice your music, play a show here and there, and start having some fans. Use the right cards and when you least expect it will be touring the world, climbing the charts and leaving a wave of scandals in the tabloids!
The game happens in real time and continues to work even when you are not logged in. Success in the game is determined by a good strategy and action at the right time, not by constant presence. It is perfectly possible to have a lot of success in the game by entering only a few times a week to check how things are.
Create your own solo artist, or band with other real people
Compose and record music
Produce complete singles and albums
Record video clips for your music
Get out on world tours
Increase your family
And much more!
* Please note that this application is an unofficial client of the game and was not created by the developers behind the PopWorld website *
If you identify any problems, just contact us!
功夫,两个字,一横一竖;错的,倒下;对的,站着。在电影《一代宗师》里,当梁朝伟扮演的叶问念出这句台词时,不知激发了多少功夫爱好者内心的斗志和热情。对非习武之人来说,无法在真实拳脚切磋中体验功夫带来的打击快感,但在首款西游题材的格斗手游大作《功夫西游》里,这种畅快淋漓的打击感体验不再成为奢望!继安卓平台火爆内测连开15组新服后,日前,《功夫西游》宣布将在6月19日正式上线App Store,引发无数...
大型多人即时角色扮演手游新作《冰火王座》将于2月20日强势登陆App Store,《冰火王座》以古希腊、埃及、北欧神话传说为背景,在方寸屏幕中创造出一个波澜壮阔、辉煌瑰丽的超级神话世界。玩家将以战神之子的身份行走在神话世界中,以英雄的力量对抗天地破灭的宿命,实现拯救世界的愿望。