Ghiceste Jucatorul de Tenis免费下载游戏攻略
Experimentati unul dintre cele mai bune jocuri Trivia de tenis.
Jocul nostru "Ghiceste Jucatorul de Tenis" este un joc tip trivia care contine o multime de jucatori de tenis, atat nationali cat si internationali. Incearca sa ghicesti toti jucatorii si sa termini jocul !
Acest joc presupune recunoasterea jucatorilor tenis si totodata testarea memoriei.
Jocul contine 48 de poze , cu jucatori deiferiti , din perioade diferite.
Experience one of the best Trivia Tennis games.
Our game "Guess the Tennis Player" is a trivia game that features a lot of tennis players, both national and international. Try to guess all the players and finish the game!
This game involves recognizing tennis players and testing memory.
The game contains 48 pictures, with different players, from different times.
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