Box Factory War免费下载游戏攻略
■ Game Introduction
The monsters move in the dimension to destroy the gift Box and attack the delivery factory!
Build a production line Box at the factory to prevent monsters from attacking!
Box building defense game! Block Factory!
Build up the Boxes! And win the War!
Each wave is attacked by monsters.
The higher the wave, the more and more monsters you have.
Large amount of large amount of monsters to break the Box wall!
Stack up more Boxes to prevent more enemies!
Use a coin to upgrade the Box to make it harder
Raise your stats.
When the game progresses, you can strengthen it through coin farming.
If you raise the Box to a certain level, the shape of the Box changes.
Collect Boxes of different shapes.
It's a simple game, but I need a strategy to build it up.
so that it will collapse when stacking Boxes!
It 's hard to just build it. Easy simple game method, but difficult difficulty!
That's why this is a demon game.
When a monster raids, if there is a Box, attack the Box!
While attacking the Box, the monster also suffers damage.
The Box destroy and the Box fallen.
Pressing monsters in the Box will instantaneate the monsters regardless of their physical strength.
Break down the Box and attack the enemy's pot.
Set up a trap to open every wave to trap the monster!
It is not tower defense! Box factory War defense!
Freshness itself!
Dot Monster in 2D defense game!
It's good to play in the corner alone.
Go to the endless wave of infinite!
Simple ranking
We fight with only one!
Those who reach the wave high will win!
When the application is deleted, the data is deleted.
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以下就是小编为大家带来的邪恶工厂Evil Factory全章节通关攻略分享:
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还在为新入手的武将发愁吗?还在为培养不出的武将用来传功而叹息吗?今天我们要对这一切说NO!!!《Dragon War》中旧的武将是可以用来传功的,传功不仅能将经验传给新武将,还将返还原武将培养所消耗的材料,真是一举两得,还在等什么!!!...