Grow in The Hole for TV免费下载游戏攻略
####A smartphone is required to play this game.####
Grow in the Hole is a local multiplayer golf game on AirConsole. Featuring a ball which changes in size, the game is about simply getting the ball in the hole before it becomes too big to fit. The game is turn based and is playable alone or with up to four players. The ball changing size can make it more difficult or easier, depending on the situation and location you're in.
Grow in the Hole comes with a large set of colorful golf courses and easy fun gameplay that suits any party or family gathering.
How to Play
Aim by dragging in the circle, with the arrow indicated showing the direction the shot will go in and how powerful the shot will be. Take the shot with pushing the “Take Shot” button whilst aiming. Get the ball in the hole where the flag is positioned.
Circle - Shot aim and power.
Take a Shot - Fires the ball in the set direction.
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