Strong Truck免费下载游戏攻略
Searching for a fun monster truck game journey that will keep you hooked all the time and offer hours and hours of pure truck racing and shooting fun?! Look no further, we got one of the best Strong truck games Strong Truck Machine Gun! With different worlds, levels and tons of great obstacles, bumps, rides, excitement and truck shoot.
Your goal in this Strong truck game is to destroy Boxes, various kinds of appliance and finish all 12 levels. The game contains 3 Strong trucks and a bonus Strong bus.
This is one of those games where you drive a vehicle through obstacles controlling its speed and inclination. However, this game is not the most typical one, because apart from just passing levels you cause destruction. There are vehicles in stacks. You can push them with your strong truck and smash them. Apart from the cars there are bombs that explode and give you destruction points when touched.
Use your skills to drive a monster truck over different tracks and explode some Boxes on the way.
Ride your strong truck through each course. Feel free to destroy anything which stands in your way!
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