Summer Night Short Anime Visual Novel免费下载游戏攻略
You are Hideki, a shy boy that has troubles meeting new girls. Your best friend will take you to a party organized by the popular Osada Rino. In the pary you will meet strange people, insects, and your childhood friend.
The visual novel contains anime 5 different characters, ecchi, cute insects, and 6 different crazy endings. You can play all the game with all endings in about 15-20 minutes, so, what are you whaiting? Press that Download Button, it's free!
A short bizarre visual novel developed in 48 hours for the Global Game Jam 2018 by:
Mailen Britez
Camila Ciríaco
Javier Mora
Yasi Otero
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在碧蓝航线手游中大神澪换装Summer Vacance怎么样呢?在碧蓝航线手游中大神澪的时装也已经上线了哦!那么不清楚的话下面就来看一下吧!
碧蓝航线大神澪换装Summer Vacance展示
8月11日晚8点,为期3周的《仙境传说RO:守护永恒的爱》删档封测Summer Test圆满结束。时钟敲过了八点,原本在南门合照的玩家一个个消失不见,最终只剩自己独身一人站在原地。熟悉的建筑前发生的一切还历历在目,那些日夜陪伴我们的NPC还在,但一起冒险的你们不在了,回想起这3周一起经历的点点滴滴,这是专属于我们这个夏天最美好记忆了,让我们共同期待心动RO手游下一次秋天的测试!