Big Bang Theory Quiz Fan Made免费下载游戏攻略
Play Big Bang Theory Quiz - Fan Made and try to guess all your favorite characters!
Features of Big Bang Theory Quiz - Fan Made:
-Big Bang
Big Bang Theory Quiz - Fan Made features all your favorite characters from the famous tv series!
-User friendly interface
Anyone can get familiar with the interface and play it!
Currently the game features 29 levels!
-Offline mode
You can play this game even offline without internet!
-Reward system
Play the game and earn coins by completing levels, you can use this coins to help you in hard levels!
由移动怪兽代理,武士道和Craft Egg开发制作的手机音乐节奏游戏《BanG Dream!少女乐团派对》于今日推出了全新转蛋“寒空的TWINKLE BLUE”,美竹兰第二张★4卡片登场。5月29日将推出期间限定活动“蔚蓝、星光闪耀”,全新歌曲“Y.O.L.O!!!!!”搭配活动一同追加。
全新转蛋“寒空的TWINKLE BLUE”登场!“★4 美竹兰”机率UP
由次世代少女乐队企划改编的TV动画《BanG Dream!》已于今年一月份开播,该动画讲述了少女香澄偶然看见了一把星型吉他,与此同时她又与4位志同道合的女孩相遇,为了演奏出单凭一人无法表现出的音乐,她们决定共同朝着梦想迈进。在4月末第一季完结后,观众们普遍反映该作剧情无聊、音乐糟糕,并有半数观众表示不希望看到有第二季。但让人意想不到的是,同名音乐手游自3月份上架以来竟吸引了大批玩家,目前该游戏的活...