The Office Fan Trivia免费下载游戏攻略
Question: What bear is best? False: black bear. Bears eat beats. Bears beat Battlestar Galactica. Our Office quiz is right here and it packs questions about your favorite TV show. Michael, Jim, Dwight, Pam, we will ask you questions about all of these great characters and the situations in which they end up many times.But let’s see just what kind of questions you will have to answer in our trivia: What is the name of the city in which the main plot takes place? What is the name of the girl with which Michael ends up having a relationship in season 7? In what season do we find out Pam is pregnant with a second child? So look at these questions and think about them long and hard. That’s what she said!
活动时间:2019-04-28 12:00:46 至 2019-05-01 00:00:00
《星月命运之轮》签到送京东卡 参与>>
游戏简介:Smashy Office《无止尽的破坏》是由Tuokio Inc.推出的一款趣味发泄类的小游戏。游戏中我们可以不计后果的砸掉办公室的所有东西,包括机器人警卫。无尽的毁灭、捣毁办公室、躲避障碍物、获得升级。游戏画面精致,玩法上面也是极具趣味,不管生活中你是多么的不堪,在这里你可以尽情的发泄出心中的各种负面情绪。然后收拾好心情,重新积极正面地面对身边人!压力太大的童鞋们不妨试试。