I'm not a developer: you might consider my app as a home-made toy, which I set up by the "app inventor 2" tools to follow my 4-year-old son's propensity for learning about written language.
The original project consisted of two parts:
1) the words database, where parents have to create words lists as they like (these lists contain the words the kid will play with during the game); after you typed a word, read it aloud while recording a short sound file; you can also group words togheter into some collections (e.g. animals names or fruits), so that you'll be able either to offer your kid a themed game or to build a learning pathway based on specific orthographic rules;
2) the real game with the keyboard; your kid listens to a database word and tries to type it using either uppercase or lowercase letters; he can listen to it whenever he wants and he can also check how the word should be written in order to correct his mistakes. The ways to correct are easy to understand: wrong letters can be overwritten, otherwise you can press on a letter of the word you're typing before choosing a key in the keyboard so that it will be erased togheter with all the letters that come after it. At the end the kid has to press the yellow key with the arrow to enjoy his reward...
Starting with 1.4.0. version, I added a hangman-like game without any image evoking such sad thoughts as gallows may do: your kid will try to guess a word coming from your custom database, the same you set up for dictation exercises.
Since 1.4.3 version there is a game aimed at improving reading skills: your kid has to recognise the pronounced word among six database items.
Try and ask a beloved relative or the kid himself to pronounce some word!
The app interface is translated into English and Italian, but of course the game can be used by any kid who speaks a language based on the Latin alphabet (accented and special characters are not allowed).
N.B. Please, don't expect me to give you a pro technical support: I know I would not be able to!