Formula One Quiz免费下载游戏攻略
Answer questions, read interesting facts about races, racers and records of the Formula One.
F1 Quiz is:
- a free intellectual quiz and game for testing old and acquiring new knowledge about the world of Formula One
- a selection of the most interesting questions and little-known facts about Formula One, drivers, races, race cars, Grand Prix, tires, regulations and many other things connected with the most popular motorsport in the world
- the ability to set a speed record and compete with friends for the title of quiz champion
How to play:
- it is necessary to answer all quiz questions
- 5 lives and 5 hints are given for passing
- if life or hints are over, they can be replenished by playing the lottery or after watching the promotional video
- at the start of the game, a timer is started, which records the time spent on passing the entire quiz
- 30 seconds are given to answer one question
- if you do not know the answer to the question, you can skip this question.
- all statistics (correct answers, missed questions, used hints) are recorded in the "Statistics" section
- after answering all the questions, the time taken to complete the quiz is recorded
Available in two languages: Russian and English
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