Iced Cucumber Soup Recipe Cooking games免费下载游戏攻略
Welcome to your own kitchen here you learn easy recipe and serve your food to everyone.
Now you can cook delicious iced cucumber soup recipe,
STEP 1 - In a blender, combine the chopped cucumber, with the yogurt, butter, chicken stock, white wine, fresh dill, nutmeg, sour creme and olive oil. Blend until smooth.
STEP 2 - Season with salt and pepper cover and refrigerate for at least 8 hours or overnight.
STEP 3 - Season the soup again just before serving. Pour the soup into bowls. Garnish with the finely diced cucumber, onion and drizzle of olive oil and serve.
STEP 4 - Finally decorate the iced cucumber soup like fruits, vegetables, coriander and many more decorative items.
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